“By Invitation” Círculo Ecuestre 2021


Group show in Círculo Ecuestre

"By Invitation" opens this Wednesday 15th December. A new exhibition at the Círculo Ecuestre, where we will have the opportunity to enjoy some of the most outstanding works of our represented artists: Malgosia Jankowska, Íñigo Arregi and Jacinto Moros.

"By Invitation" is the new edition of the Círculo Ecuestre fair in which Galería Víctor Lope has the pleasure of participating. From 15 to 19 December we will have the opportunity to enjoy some of the most outstanding works of our represented artists: Malgosia Jankowska, Íñigo Arregi and Jacinto Moros.
invitation life
The painter Malgosia Jankowska was born in 1978 in Sochaczew (Poland) and studied painting in Warsaw and Berlin. With fine brushstrokes, she contrasts people and nature. She masterfully creates paintings of impressive depth and breadth by alternating translucent and pasty colours. Mysteriously, white light bursts through the tree trunks of some paintings like a white mist. The filigree lines, together with the softened tones - sometimes restricted to a single colour on a white background - are reminiscent of old storybook prints. The scenes Jankowska's paintings invite us into are like a fairy tale. In a literal sense, the word "fantastic" is also highly symbolic of the repertoire that Jankowska traverses in her painted world and has become a succinct characteristic of her art: Children in the forest, wolves or colossal mushrooms are not only visual images of a reality borrowed in the manner of the Brothers Grimm. Jankowska has endowed herself with a set of figures entirely her own, which she always puts in relation to each other. The child as an emblem of innocence, wandering free in the dangerous forest, reflects a secret world of the subconscious. Nature becomes the space of buried fears and desires.
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The cult of the curve developed by Jacinto Moros in his work enjoys, as a good production with solid foundations, a prismatic texture through which interpretations and rich metaphors expand. A kaleidoscope that yields formal readings such as the measured abstraction of his embossing or the play of levels that characterises his wooden sculptures. From these two creative cores a poetics is born around movement. around movement. The forms flow and the dynamism reflects the main virtues of our sculptural tradition. Whether in a terrain such as the plane, present in his graphic work, or in the spatial challenge of the three-dimensional pieces. We are before a meticulous and experienced work in which we notice the paradox of sustained movement, that eternal instant that forgets its origin and its possible ramifications, which although being omnipresent concepts, are not conditioning. Jacinto's works exist, they live in the moment, they converse amiably with those who contemplate them and even share without vanity the timelessness that nourishes them.
reencuentros Musikal I
The Basque artist Iñigo Arregi shows us his sculptures and reliefs under the same plastic concept that has in common his eagerness for geometric shapes that intertwine. The pieces, in different planes that overlap, alignments that, in the case of the sculptures, fit together to form a harmonious whole made up of planes that meet or join together, that can be separated and joined again as if they were a jigsaw puzzle. The mural volumes, made from cardboard, drawing and paint, follow the same criteria as the sculptures. Different planes that follow one after the other and form unique and original perspectives, frameworks in which the aesthetics allow for a playful play of effects and views. A discourse of non-explicit references, of complex arguments related to emotions. Visions only from the front, unlike the sculptures, which can be seen from any perspective.